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/ Educational Overload / Educational Overload.iso / educ_09 / rtbd_sh.zip

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File Comment
  Order  Cream of the Crop2 Shareware  205-824-2552--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: Regents Biology Tutorial

Images (4)

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CONFIG.RTB Text File 1 3b 1993-04-19
ORDER.ME Text File 40 3KB 1993-04-19
README.1ST Text File 79 4KB 1993-04-19
TUTOR.BAT DOS Batch File 4 24b 1993-04-19

Other Files (25)
RTBD-SH.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 52KB 1993-04-19
BICH1 Unknown 12KB 1993-04-19
BIDICA Unknown 8KB 1993-04-19
BIDICB Unknown 3KB 1993-04-19
BIDICC Unknown 8KB 1993-04-19
BIDICD Unknown 4KB 1993-04-19
BIDICE Unknown 5KB 1993-04-19
BIDICF Unknown 4KB 1993-04-19
BIDICG Unknown 5KB 1993-04-19
BIDICH Unknown 4KB 1993-04-19
BIDICIK Unknown 4KB 1993-04-19
BIDICL Unknown 4KB 1993-04-19
BIDICM Unknown 7KB 1993-04-19
BIDICNO Unknown 5KB 1993-04-19
BIDICP Unknown 10KB 1993-04-19
BIDICQR Unknown 4KB 1993-04-19
BIDICS Unknown 11KB 1993-04-19
BIDICT Unknown 4KB 1993-04-19
BIDICUZ Unknown 5KB 1993-04-19
BIEXP1 Unknown 17KB 1993-04-19
BITEST1 Unknown 9KB 1993-04-19
BSCR1 Unknown 16KB 1993-04-19
BSCR4 Unknown 16KB 1993-04-19
README.EXE Unknown 11KB 1993-04-19
SCR5 Unknown 16KB 1993-04-19